A very eventful weekend in New Babbage. On Saturday the 17 in honor of Founders Day the New Babbage Aethernautical Society presented the first annual New Babbage Airship regat

In the Light Class Rip Wirefly in Prop Duster and Ambrose Steampunk in Papillon Duo took the honors. Flying in the Heavy Class: Greg Merryman in Tri-Tanium and Beast Mauvaise in HMCS Baldwin tied for the first place finish. The Whimsical Class was won by Bela Lubezki in the HDM Airship No.1 "Famine". And the Spectator Favorite was flown by Julian Beeswing in the Windstream. There was also a Display Favorite catagory which was won by Darlingmonster Ember's Copperwing 8.1
The following day Sunday the 18th of January Prop Spinners Pub hosted a tribute memorial day for our good friend and RCAF pilot Sumi Kawashima. The event featured live performances by Cylindrian Rutabaga, CelticMaidenWarrior Lancaster and Charles Coleman from 10a.m. till well into the afternoon. With D.J. DJ Eudptes Bergson playing a special set of Sumie's favorite songs later that evening during the normal weekly event at Prop Spinners. The live music was preceded by a flyover of Steamsky City by RCAF pilots from 9:30 to 10.
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