Set in the heart of Port Caledon this airfield until very recently was unknown to me or at least at it's current location. Port Caledon Field is owned and operated by Ambinant Kukulcan.
Airfield Layout
Port Caledon Field is very easy to locate sitting just beneath two large towers. One emitting a powerful large beam of light into the heavens that with the right settings can be seen from a great distance.
The approach from the East is very open with no tall buildings, towers or other obstructions to block your view, giving you a nice long look at the field as you line up your landings. Coming in and passing over Caledon Highlands a land owner was kind enough to put a brilliant blue roof on there home. One can use this as a waypoint to line up their landing. Passing directly over this puts you in a fairly good position for your final approach to the field itself. (see photo below)
Of special note. I mentioned before that the landing strip had not obstructions. I should rephrase that and say no fi
There is a very nice hanger at Port Caledon Field. In fact if you would like a airport of your own this might be a good place to start. They have a kit that's very similar to the layout mentioned here for a very reasonable price. Check in the hanger for details.
Numerous shops and stores await your exploration near the airfield. One might make a note of the following. The tower at Chernov Laboratories Incorporated is worth a look located at 115,71,123. Also be sure to head just next door and visit the Virtual Kennel Club your home for a virtual pet in Caledon. Located @ Caledon 121,196,22. If your new to Caledon a visit to the Caledon Welcome Center is also a must and within easy walking distance of the airfield. It's at Caledon 171,187,22.
Of special note: I tired to rez my airship here and was unable to do so at the time of this writing. Something to keep in mind if your planning a speedy escape from this location.
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