Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A disturbing Find

As a Timeforce 10 agent I have the ability to slip from one reality to another. On a recent jaunt into the near future I was doing a bit of research and I came across the following card catalog entry.
As you can plainly see its a entry for my journal published in 1880 by Oxbridge University Press. Of special interest to me are the notations someone has made...

"Inglewood's airship went missing in 1893" "her ship was never found" "why is her journal here?"

Missing? Ship never found? And why would my journal be in a library and not with my "missing" ship? The notes indicate someone took a fair bit of interest in this entry. Who are they? Are they looking for me?

As I said, disturbing indeed!


Squad 7 said...


My heavens! A mystery!

JR Hume said...


I only discovered 'steampunk' the other day, when a friend of mine declared that some of my stories fit into the steampunk 'genre', if you will.

What drew my attention to your blog was one of your listed occupations: sky pirate. I wrote a fairly long humorous story a few years ago titled -- you guessed it -- Sky Pirates.

The tale featured a pair of huge flying wings carrying tiny self defense fighters. The wings used Diesel/electric power, not steam, but the story takes place in a North America split into city-states, kingdoms, and such.

If flying wings and barges rowed by pirates singing Gilbert and Sullivan operettas strikes your fancy contact me via either of my blogs:


Anonymous said...

Clearly the journal was published 13 years before the ship went missing.

Rai Blaylock said...

Whoa!!!! *gasps*